What is Ergonomics and Why Is It Important?

David Guillory
4 min readJan 10, 2021

With the rapid increase of people using computers at both work and home, the importance of understanding what Ergonomics is and why it is important also rises. If someone fails to learn or utilize proper Ergonomics the negative effects could lead to long lasting health problems.

Ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment and it takes into account movement throughout the day. A person who studies and engineers ergonomic friendly devices are unknown Ergonomists and they must take into account every different aspect of ones entire day. Most people do not realize the consequences of having a poorly set up workstation. Have you ever looked back on a day where you did the same thing for hours and hours and were sore in a particular area of your body? Chances are you strained a muscle from strenuous or repetitive motion. A few common symptoms of a poorly setup work environment are: Sore neck, back, wrist, hands or eyes.

To truly understand the importance of Ergonomics you must know the down side of not of the equation. What we are trying to avoid is Musculoskeletal Disorders(MSD) which affect the muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, and tendons. Some of these disorders you have probably heard: Tendinitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Arthritis.

Musculoskeletal Disorders do not only come from sitting at a desk all day. These disorders can happen in just about every work environment. Things to take into consideration are heavy lifting, bending, repetitive motions, and sitting in awkward positions.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 33% of reported work related injuries or illness were caused by MSD.

If you made it this far in the article and have decided that this topic is important to you, below are a few tips to help setup your work environment when it comes to computers and Ergonomics.

Computer Chair

The chair should support your spinal curve. To know the appropriate height for the chair, your feet should be flat on the ground and thighs parallel to the floor. If you are unable to touch the ground and replacing the chair is not an option, consider creating a foot rest. If the chair comes with an armrest, your arms should rest on them with your shoulders relaxed.

Mouse and Keyboard

The mouse and keyboard should have identical height and be on the same surface. When using either, wrist should always be kept straight and arms close to the body. Make sure hands and elbows are level. It is ideal to increase the sensitivity of the mouse to minimize the amount you have to use it. Also it is best to try and alternate which hand controls the mouse, so if possible switch which side of the keyboard it sits when often. When shopping for a mouse one must choose the type first. The three main types of a mouse to choose from are Standard, Trackball, and Touchpad. If you go the Standard mouse route make sure that it partially fills the hand when gripped. The Trackball route offers a little bit better support for the hand because they are generally bigger than the Standard mouse. Just make sure the Trackball is located in the center of the device. If you choose Touchpad, I got nothing for you. When choosing a keyboard you must choose between the Standard flat or the Split Keyboard which is separated at the ‘G’ and ‘H’ keys. The split keyboard was designed to help ensure the wrist is kept straight when typing. If you choose the Standard Flat keyboard look for one that comes with a detachable wrist rest made from gel or hard plastic.


When using a monitor it is recommended that it is arms distance away and be straight ahead of the user. The top of the screen should be at or a little below eye level. Monitor should be directly behind the keyboard with the brightest light source to the side of the screen.

